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Knoxville, TN, United States
Interim Pastor of Evergreen Presbyterian Church (USA), Dothan, AL.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stop Noticing the Little Things

Stop Noticing the Little Things

People say life is moving so fast that we don't have time to notice the little things.

This is not true.

In fact, the faster we go, the more little things we see. We notice the lights that turn from yellow to red the moment we near an intersection. We notice the store checker who's scanner-challenged. We notice the unwanted phone calls, the dishwasher no one else will unload, the loud man on his cell phone, the two-cents-a-gallon increase, the temperature in the house, the barking dog next door, the people who insist on entering the elevator before anyone can exit.

The faster we go, the more little things we notice. Because it's the little things that slow us down. We notice the people who get in our way. We see the details of their errors. We count them, and they drive us crazy.

We notice the little things... that other people do. And the little things that we don't do, or forget, or avoid? What things? Sorry, I was in a hurry. Sure you were.

The problem isn't the speed. The problem is our noticing. The problem is our NOT noticing the things WE do that inadvertently get in the way of other people. The problem is we've trained ourselves to see other people as problems.

Stop noticing the little things that other people do. Practice seeing the big things: compassion, gentleness, patience - at any speed.

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