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Knoxville, TN, United States
Interim Pastor of Evergreen Presbyterian Church (USA), Dothan, AL.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Music of Choice

The Music of Choice

This is a post by "Guest Blogger" and Choir Director, Scott Hood. These are Scott's thoughts about King Saul and the music of the shepherd-boy David (1 Samuel 16:14-23). Hint: It's not about the music.


It is tough.  Really it is.  Should I have fries or onion rings with my hamburger?  It is a choice that we all must face and it is decisions like this that shape our personality.  Of course, I am kidding.  But life truly is a multitude of choices and we face many choices every day.

Music has been a refuge for me; a place that I could hide from the rest of the world.  I guess another way to say that is a place where I could avoid decisions and choices.  To sit and listen to music that I love is the best way that I know to relax and feel better about everything and everyone around me.  King Saul had evil spirits that would torment him occasionally.  It was for this reason that he summoned a musician to play beautiful music for him in hopes of relieving him of his tormentors.  David was the perfect choice.  David was loved by many, including King Saul.  However, it was his music that touched King Saul in the greatest way.  We could leave the story at this point, but there is a much deeper angle to consider.

The music was beautiful and soothing but that doesn't always remove evil spirits (or other irritating things, either).  The choice to seek musicians or the choice to listen to the music isn't the primary objective. The choice to ALLOW the music to move us is the most important choice to make!  There are thousands of people with terrible physical problems that to listen to music as therapy.  Their problems don't go away; they are simply replaced with something that they choose to focus on.  Saul's choice to place the music above his evil spirits was paramount to his relief.  It wasn't about the music; it was about his mind.

It is clear to see that even in the best of circumstances our choices can determine our happiness or sadness.  There are many wonderful things, like music, that can move us all to a much happier place.  But we will never see that place unless we make the choice to visit there.  It is tough.  Really it is.

- Scott Hood

1 comment:

Sharon Gant said...

- especially since there are so many other claims on our time. The kinds of music we choose are important, too. We become what occupies our minds.

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